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I Made It Happen in May 2021

Dean Chesser - Aberdeen - May21

Aberdeen - Dean Chesser

Dean has shown a lot of commitment to the company and has helped out our new Elgin depot including heling out two weekends in a row.

Aberdeen (2-man) - David Mapplebeck

Due to the work he has put in over the period and especially holding everything together during the upheaval of alterations to the building, volumes and then DPD encroaching into “his” warehouse. He never complains and just gets head down and gets on with it.

David Mapplebeck - 2Man - May21
Paul Turner - Dundee - May21

Dundee - Paul Turner

Paul was for staying behind and tipping the additional dx trailer that was coming in at 4.30pm and working till 6pm to have it all put in the bays. He hasn’t once moaned about it but simply got on and dealt with it.

Inverness - Rob Green

Rob worked incredibly hard to deal with the opening of the Elgin depot and ensured that both deliveries and collections made connection every day in very challenging circumstances.

Rob Green - Inverness - May21